When it comes to working out, time is often an issue – we have work, meetings, social obligations… all things that come as a handy excuse when you don’t make it to the gym.
If this sounds all too familiar, we might have a solution for you: Our Women’s Best 10 Minute Morning Workout Routine!
But wait, you don’t even have something to wear…? Sorry but this definitely is not an excuse to forego your workout. In our Women’s Best Sportswear Collections, you will find lots of comfortable, yet stylish training clothes. So, let’s get it started!
Why should I work out in the morning?
The first obvious answer is time! In the morning, just after waking up, you have peace and quiet to actually focus on yourself for a bit. And even if you prefer sleeping in, it just takes a 10-minute workout to start your day feeling energized and optimistic. Besides the time and motivation issue, there is more!
More benefits of morning workouts!
- Research has shown that working out before you’ve had breakfast may help the body burn fat more effectively.
- Scientists have established, that if you do some exercise in the morning, you will have more energy during the day and will be in a better mood.
- Your metabolism will work faster if you include a morning workout in your morning routine and your body will get leaner as a result.
- Scientists have also found, that morning workout routines can boost your brainpower.
Make our morning workout routine your new morning routine!
Fitness is all about routines, so why not make our morning workout routine your morning routine?! Just follow our recommendation and start your day in a healthy way!
- Wake up and drink a big glass of warm water with lemon!
- Work out!
Our morning workout routine requires no gym nor equipment, just your own body. Complete 3 sets of the following exercises each. Perform 12 reps per set. Practice the cardio parts for one minute with minimum rest. Do this workout-routine three times a week, and you’ll feel fitter, slimmer and more toned in no time.
Warm-up: 1min Rope Skipping
Starting position: Standing. Hold the end of a rope in each hand and position it behind yourself.
- Swing the rope over your head by raising your arms.
- Once it’s in front of you, jump over the rope.
- Repeat this process as long as it is mentioned in your workout routine.
Starting position: Lie on the floor or an exercise mat with your arms extended, about 32 inches (80 cm) apart and rectangular to your torso. Maintain a straight back throughout the exercise.
- Lower your body by flexing your elbows until you almost touch the ground.
- Push off the floor by using your pectoral muscles to get back to the starting position.
- Repeat this process as often as mentioned in your workout routine
Sumo Jump Squats:
Starting position: Standing with your feet placed more than shoulder-width and your toes pointing out slightly. Throughout the exercise, you have to keep your head up and maintain a straight back.
- Lower your upper body by bending your knees and hips. Keep your hands together in front of your body.
- Continue until the angle between the upper leg and calve becomes slightly less than 90 degrees Now, your hands should touch the floor.
- Jump up as high as you can and land in the starting position.
- Repeat this process as often as mentioned in your workout routine.
Sit up & Twist:
Starting position: Lie on your back on the floor or exercise ball with your hands at the side of your head.
- Raise your upper body by contracting your abdominals.
- As your upper body has reached a 90-degree angle to your legs, twist and try to touch your toes with the opposing side’s hand. Your abdominals should be under tension the whole time.
- Return slowly to the starting position.
- Repeat the motion with the other hand.
- Return to the starting position slowly.
- Repeat this process as often as it is mentioned in your workout routine.
Starting position: This position is really similar to a push-up position. The only difference between these exercises is that your forearms touch the floor. Keep your forearms parallel to your body and form a straight line with your body.
- Contract the abdominals and make sure that your body is not bent in any direction. (Do not bend your waist!)
- Repeat this process as often as mentioned in your workout routine!
Walking Lunges:
Starting position: Standing. Throughout the exercise make sure your back is straight.
- Step forward with one leg.
- Flex your knees until hamstring and calve of your lead foot are at a 90-degree angle to each other. Your rear knee should almost touch the ground.
- Rise back up using the quads of your lead foot.
- Now back into starting position. Repeat the motion with your other leg leading the way.
- Repeat this process as often as it is mentioned in your workout routine and use weights for an extra challenge.
Starting position: Stand with your feet placed at shoulder width, with your toes pointing out slightly. Stretch your arms out. Keep your head up and maintain a straight back throughout the exercise.
- Lower your upper body by bending your knees and hips.
- Continue until the angle between the upper leg and calve becomes slightly less than 90 degrees.
- Push off the floor by using your quads to get back to the starting position.
- Repeat this process as often as it is mentioned in your workout routine.
Finish: 1min Rope Skipping
Starting position: Standing. Hold the end of a rope in each hand and position it behind yourself.
- Swing the rope over your head by raising your arms.
- Once it’s in front of you, jump over the rope.
- Repeat this process as long as it is mentioned in your workout routine.
After workout tip: To support your body’s regeneration, try out one of our Women’s Best Protein Supplements. Their high amounts of protein will boost muscle grow and help you to reach your workout goals in no time.